Lsus Continuing Education Summer Reading Skills

Make Next Year a


Make Next Year A

Speed Reading & Study Skills Program for Entering 6th-8th Graders


Speed Reading & Study Skills Program for Entering 6th-8th Graders


Entering 6th-8th graders who sharpen skills during the summer have a real advantage. They improve reading speed, comprehension, and study skills. They start the new school year with tools they need to succeed with every academic challenge.

Summer is the key opportunity to develop reading & study skills for the upcoming school year.

Entering 6th-8th graders who sharpen skills during the summer have a real advantage. They improve reading speed, comprehension, and study skills. They start the new school year with tools they need to succeed with every academic challenge.

Summer is the key opportunity to develop reading & study skills for the upcoming school year.

Parents of entering 6th-8th graders want to know,

"How Can I Make Sure That My Middle Schooler…"

"Reads fast enough to keep up with assignments?"

"Understands and remembers what he or she reads?"

"Studies effectively and gets better grades?"

"Reads regularly during the summer?"

"Is ready for the first day of school?"

Parents of entering 6th-8th graders want to know,

"How Can I Make Sure That My Middle Schooler…"

"Reads fast enough to keep up with assignments?"

"Understands and remembers what he or she reads?"

"Studies effectively and gets better grades?

"Reads regularly during the summer?"

"Is ready for the first day of school?"

Our Speed Reading & Study Skills Program Provides Answers For Families Like Yours

This engaging online program helps middle schoolers become stronger readers & better students

The program features great online instruction, a classic novel, and effective materials. Your middle schooler will double his or her reading speed, build reading comprehension and enjoyment, and learn to read and study textbooks.

A knowledgeable reading teacher will be available for support as your son or daughter works through the program.

Double Reading Speed

Students in this program double their reading speed. Reading faster improves concentration and comprehension, allowing students to focus more clearly on content. As a result, your son or daughter will enjoy reading more and complete schoolwork quickly and easily.

Build Strong comprehension

Your middle schooler will build comprehension skills in a classic novel. Students learn to track the novel's story structure, plot, and character development by completing fun comprehension skills lessons online. Reading a great work of fiction with strong comprehension will have big payoffs in school performance.

Read & Study Textbooks

Through interactive online instruction, students learn strategies for reading and studying middle-school level textbooks and other nonfiction. Students also learn how to take effective notes. By building these skills, your son or daughter will develop confidence and a greater sense of control over school assignments.

Enjoy Reading More

Gains in speed and comprehension make reading feel effortless and enjoyable.  After completing the program, students are able to become completely absorbed in the books they read. As a result, your son or daughter will become a stronger, more enthusiastic reader who is better able to read and comprehend content from all school subjects.

Students also receive our Best Books Booklist, which will help them choose more great books after the program is over.


A reading teacher from the Institute of Reading Development will be available to discuss your middle schooler's progress and answer any questions either of you may have.

The support of a knowledgeable teacher will help your son or daughter complete the program with confidence.

Our Speed Reading & Study Skills Program Provides Answers For Families Like Yours

This engaging online program helps middle schoolers become stronger readers and better students.

The program features great online instruction, a classic novel, and effective materials. Your middle schooler will double his or her reading speed, build reading comprehension and enjoyment, and learn to read and study textbooks.

A knowledgeable reading teacher will be available for support as your son or daughter works through the program.

Double Reading Speed

Students in this program double their reading speed.

Reading faster improves concentration and comprehension, allowing students to focus more clearly on content. As a result, your son or daughter will enjoy reading more and complete schoolwork quickly and easily.

Build Strong Comprehension

Your middle schooler will build comprehension skills in a classic novel. Students learn to track the novel's story structure, plot, and character development by completing fun comprehension skills lessons online.Reading a great work of fiction with strong comprehension will have big payoffs in school performance.

Read & Study Textbooks

Through interactive online instruction, students learn strategies for reading and studying middle-school level textbooks and other nonfiction. Students also learn how to take effective notes.

By building these skills, your son or daughter will develop confidence and a greater sense of control over school assignments.

Enjoy Reading More

Gains in speed and comprehension make reading feel effortless and enjoyable.  After completing the program, students are able to become completely absorbed in the books they read. As a result, your son or daughter will become a stronger, more enthusiastic reader who is better able to read and comprehend content from all school subjects.

Students also receive our Best Books Booklist, which will help them choose more great books after the program is over.


A reading teacher from the Institute of Reading Development will be available to discuss your middle schooler's progress and answer any questions either of you may have.

The support of a knowledgeable teacher will help your son or daughter complete the program with confidence.

"I've gotten a lot faster and if someone asks me what happened in the chapter, I can remember all of it without having to look back in the book."

– Mariah, Entering 6th Grader

"I've gotten a lot faster and if someone asks me what happened in the chapter, I can remember all of it without having to look back in the book."

– Mariah, Entering 6th Grader

Louisiana State University, Continuing Education, a non-profit organization, is proud to offer the Summer Reading Skills Program as a community service. Since 2003, this program has helped students in our community build strong reading skills and develop a deep love of books and reading.

The program is designed and taught by the Institute of Reading Development, a nationwide leader in reading skills instruction. Since 1970, the Institute has taught more than two million students in partnership with colleges and universities across the United States. The Institute's inspired instruction encourages a lifelong love of reading in every student.

Louisiana State University, Continuing Education, a non-profit organization, is proud to offer the Summer Reading Skills Program as a community service. Since 2003, this program has helped students in our community build strong reading skills and develop a deep love of books and reading.

The program is designed and taught by the Institute of Reading Development, a nationwide leader in reading skills instruction. Since 1970, the Institute has taught more than two million students in partnership with colleges and universities across the United States. The Institute's inspired instruction encourages a lifelong love of reading in every student.

"I was really happy to see that not only is he reading faster, but he's able to understand what he's reading. More importantly, he's enjoying reading. That was huge."

– Nina, Parent of an Entering 7th Grader

"I was really happy to see that not only is he reading faster, but he's able to understand what he's reading. More importantly, he's enjoying reading. That was huge."

– Nina, Parent of an Entering 7th Grader

By The End Of The Program, Students Will…


Improve comprehension in fiction and nonfiction


Learn to read and study middle-school level textbooks


Learn effective note-taking skills



By The End Of The Program, Students Will…


Improve comprehension in fiction and nonfiction


Learn to read and study middle-school level textbooks


Learn effective note-taking skills



secure your spot in the program today

Your middle schooler will have an enjoyable experience in our Speed Reading & Study Skills Program and make great progress.

The program includes:

  • Engaging online lessons that students enjoy
  • A classic novel
  • Textbook and nonfiction reader
  • Best Books Booklist
  • A skilled reading teacher to answer your questions

The Summer Reading Skills Program gets rave reviews from parents year after year.

Louisiana State University, Continuing Education partners with the Institute of Reading Development to make this high-quality summer program affordable for families.

Help your child build the right reading skills to make middle school a big success, at a lower cost than other learning programs.

Family Discount:

Take $20 off for each additional student you enroll

For more information, or to enroll by phone, call 1 (800) 964-9974.
7 am- 9 pm Mon- Fri, 7 am- 6 pm Sat, 9 am- 5 pm Sun

secure your spot in the program today

Your middle schooler will have an enjoyable experience in our Speed Reading & Study Skills Program and make great progress.

The program includes:

  • Engaging online lessons that students enjoy
  • A classic novel
  • Textbook and nonfiction reader
  • Best Books Booklist
  • A skilled reading teacher to answer your questions

The Summer Reading Skills Program gets rave reviews from parents year after year.

Louisiana State University, Continuing Education partners with the Institute of Reading Development to make this high-quality summer program affordable for families.

Help your child build the right reading skills to make middle school a big success, at a lower cost than other learning programs.

Family Discount:

Take $20 off for each additional student you enroll

For more information, or to enroll by phone, call 1 (800) 964-9974.
Mon–Fri: 8am–10pm  |  Sat: 8am–7pm  |  Sun: 9am–7pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Speed Reading & Study Skills Program right for all students?

All entering 6th-8th graders benefit from improving their reading speed, comprehension, and study skills over the summer. Our interactive online lessons teach middle schoolers the skills they need for academic success.  A reading teacher is available to provide support and guidance for each student.Every student makes progress during the program.

How much time should I expect my child to spend on the program each week?

This program is completely flexible, so your child can work at his or her own pace. Lessons take about 45 minutes; most students complete 2 or more lessons per week.

How long does it take to complete the program?

Most students finish the program in 6-8 weeks.

What skills do the online lessons cover?

Interactive online lessons cover skills like reading comprehension, reading nonfiction and textbooks, and improving reading speed. The lessons are easy for students to follow and complete on their own.

How do we get started on the program?

You will need internet access for this program, since all lessons are online. Once your son or daughter's books and materials have shipped, you'll receive an email explaining how to log in to the program website. The website has a section where you'll find instructions for getting started, as well as information about the skills and activities in the program.

How much does the program cost?

Thanks to our partnership with the Institute of Reading Development, we are able to offer this exceptional program at a lower cost than other learning programs. During this affordable program, your child will get engaging and effective online instruction that builds valuable reading skills and support from a knowledgeable reading teacher.

For complete details about the cost of the program, please click here.

Are any program discounts available?

Yes, we offer the following discounts:

Family Discount: After enrolling one student, you will receive a $20 discount for each additional student you enroll in a summer program. This discount only applies to family members at the same mailing address.

Re-enrollment Discount: If a student has previously participated in our program, that student is eligible for a $30 re-enrollment discount.

What is the Institute of Reading Development?

We offer the Summer Reading Skills Program as a community service in partnership with the Institute of Reading Development, a nationwide leader in reading skills instruction. Since 1970, the Institute has partnered with colleges and universities to teach valuable reading skills to more than two million students across the United States. The Institute?s inspired instruction encourages a lifelong love of reading in every student.

You can learn more about the Institute of Reading Development here.






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